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Recording Studio Soundproofing

Soundproof Doors
July 11, 2019
Conference Room Soundproofing
July 12, 2019

Is your Home Recording Studio working for you?

For many musicians, the home recording studio is their castle — a sanctuary where they can fully focus on their art. When you have a home recording studio, you control your destiny when it comes to your future in music. You can produce professional demos, record whenever the inspiration strikes you, day or night, and not have to worry about compromising your art.

Most beginning musicians don’t think they have the money or space to create a home recording studio. However, the reality is, all you need is a garage or other suitable home space and quality recording studio soundproofing. For that quality studio soundproofing, musical artists in-the-know contact Global Acoustic.

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Acoustic Noise Reduction

Depending on the ambient noise you want to eliminate from your recordings, WhisperRoom offers the Standard (Single-Wall) model or our Enhanced (Double-Wall) model. Our Standard model will reduce ambient noise by about 50% (within mid-range frequencies) and the Enhanced model cuts ambient noise by about 75% within those same mid-range frequencies.


What Are the Benefits of Soundproofing a Music Studio ?

Not only is soundproofing a studio beneficial, but there’s also little point in trying to operate one without adequate studio soundproofing. Music is all about the sound, and the higher sound purity you have, the better chance you have of producing the recording you want — the one that will make others take notice.

Quality music studio sound proofing allows you to produce superior, professional sound quality recordings, lets you nail down your recording in fewer takes because of less sound interference, and lets you record as loud and as long as you want without having to worry about disturbing family members or neighbors. You’ll also enjoy fewer distractions from outside the studio pulling your focus from your composition.

Choosing Soundproofing Solutions for Studios: Soundproofing vs. Sound Absorption

You will generally want both soundproofing and sound absorption for your music studio, and when building your studio, it will be helpful for you to understand the differences between the two and the types of products that will help you with both.

When you are considering the quality of sound, sound absorption materials are extremely important. These materials absorb sound waves to minimize reverberation, echo and other harsh byproducts of sound. While sound absorption materials do not actually block sound, they will help give you that sound purity you want when trying to create a pristine recording.

Recording studio soundproofing products, on the other hand, actually stop sound transfer. When you layer soundproofing material on your studio walls, you prevent sound from escaping or getting in. This is what will allow you to record freely without worrying about disturbing your neighbors and without having to deal with external sounds that may distract you from what you are doing.

While it’s unrealistic to expect you will create a completely soundproofed room in a private residence, by installing recording studio soundproofing products to block sound, along with sound absorption products that improve sound, you can create a sound isolation scenario that will allow you to create professional-sounding recordings without the need to pay for a professional studio.

Another way to isolate your recording studio is to create air space between walls and reduce the number of contact points between building materials. When construction elements are not physically touching, sound waves weaken and transfer is minimized.

If you can only use one type of sound control material, or you’re trying to decide how much of one type of material to use versus another, simply consider your needs in a home studio. If you are in a relatively isolated location and your main concern is getting good sound quality, your focus will be on sound absorption material. If you are getting little interference with your recordings, but are in a crowded residential area where sound blocking is a priority, soundproofing will be the priority.

Ideally, of course, you’ll want to have a good amount of both.

Where to Install Your Studio Soundproofing

Before you purchase your Global Acoustic soundproofing and sound absorption materials, you will want to know which materials work better in which parts of the studio.

When determining sound control for your walls, you will want to focus on soundproof barrier insulation. If you can build an air gap between the wall and the drywall you lay down, you will better isolate the sound. We also recommend high-grade studio foam. Global Acoustic offers soundproofing insulation that includes both a soundproof barrier and foam for maximum sound isolation and sound-blocking capability.

Floors are not the first area people often think of when considering sound control for a studio, but it can be very important. For hardwood floors, isolators that separate the top layer of flooring with the original layer, perhaps with a rubber intervening material, can serve to effectively deaden floor sounds. If you have a less flexible material, like concrete, you can purchase acoustical carpet underlay to kill sound.

For your ceiling, you can build a dropped ceiling and fill it with soundproofing material. You can also hang baffles or acoustic tiles for further ceiling sound control.

Once you have the materials you need, creating a studio to serve your purposes should be a quick and highly rewarding process.